Am I A Harsh Critic?


I have rated Grammy-winning albums poorly and called best selling albums some of the worst projects of the decade. Overtime I have certainly faced criticism and I have absolutely noticed that I tend to have the unpopular opinion. Whether it's movies or music or television, people will always think differently than me. Given that, there have been multiple times I have contemplated whether or not I'm a harsh critic. After seeing my reviews, I've definitely been told that I am overly critical.

When I am told that I'm too harsh of a critic I have to ask, what's the difference between harsh and honest? There certainly is a difference, but when I call a piece of media bad I'm just saying what I really feel. Thinking of what goes into the projects I watch/listen to is what makes my standards so high. For example, when I review an album from Roddy Ricch, Trippie Redd or Young Thug, I feel the need to deduct points because of how much money, time and work goes into the project just for it to turn out bad. I did a review on Instagram of Young Thug's So Much Fun, and I was pretty hard on it because I thought it was terrible. But what made me think that it was even worse was just how much work went into it. There are thousands, if not millions, of people all over Soundcloud and YouTube that make songs that are just as good on their own. So when a multi-millionaire has the exact same level of quality, I need to deduct points.  

Call me a stick in the mud and I won't disagree with you. However, my standards are simply high and there are certain aspects of a piece of media that I need to say to be impressed. I wrote an article called Why I (Usually) Don't Like Movies, and in the article I gave a list of what I believe makes a solid movie. To briefly reiterate what I said then, I believe a good movie has creative and developing characters, multiple settings that are portrayed well and are necessary, an interesting and original plot, each plot-point needs to have a motive and an important message is a big bonus. That may be seen as a lot to ask for but again, when millions of dollars and thousands of people are crafting this single movie, is it really a lot to ask for? And if you break down the list, you can see why I dislike a lot of beloved movies. I believe the biggest example would be the movie Moana. Moana has an almost perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes and I have yet to meet someone that also didn't like it. But I can't help but feel that the plot was dull and uneventful, and every character and setting was repetitive and uninteresting. I hate the fact that I always hate movies but I expect a lot with what goes into the project.

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