Jake Paul and Keemstar Condone Making Explicit Content For Kids


I'm sure you have heard by now that the one and only problem child Jake Paul has been talking about the idea of starting an Only Fans. Why is YouTubers starting to sell nudes the new thing in 2020? I wish I had an answer.

Jake Paul is already one of the most controversial people on YouTube because he is such an idiot and constantly lies and manipulates his fans but the idea of him starting an Only Fans didn't really make me think much until I saw Keemstar talk about it on DramaAlert.

The reason people have a problem with Jake Paul selling his nudes is that his audience is entirely made up of children. If you watch videos of him at his events or any footage of fans outside of his house, you will never see anyone over the age of 10. So, the idea of Jake Paul being explicit and overly sexual publicly is ridiculous for obvious reasons.

A YouTuber named Rob Gavagan, AKA Rob Dyke, Tweeted about this situation saying, "This dude entertains kids. This dude always has swarms of kids outside of his house. Parents, when your 13 year old girl needs an abortion, consider a few things," and that was quite the strong statement but a fair one. This started an argument between a few YouTubers when Jake Paul said that Rob was stupid because his fans are actually 18-24. Now, if Jake Paul wants to call me stupid, he can go right ahead. But at least 80% of his fans are under the age of 16. An adult would either have to be incredibly stupid or incredibly drunk to be able to enjoy a Jake Paul video. But a child's standards are definitely low enough to watch one. Whether you want to admit it or not, Jake Paul's audience is mostly kids. Even if his analytics said otherwise, everyone 12 or younger lies about their age to avoid age restricted content.

The fact that Jake Paul is doing what he's doing by making his content this explicit is terrifying! But as I said, what made me want to talk about this is what Keemstar said about this situation.

What I should say before talking about this is that I do not dislike Keemstar or DramaAlert. I watch DramaAlert because Keemstar is a good host and I enjoy knowing what's going on in the internet's communities. So, if anything, I'm a fan of Keemstar. That doesn't mean I can't disagree with him though.

In the latest episode of DramaAlert, Keemstar says that the YouTube community has been trying to get Jake Paul to stop praying on kids for years, and the fact that he is now doing so is good. But keep in mind that the idea of telling Jake Paul to stop praying on kids has been around for years! Vine shut down at the end of 2016. For years, YouTube has been trying to get Jake Paul to stop being this way. And he never listened and continued to pull in kids. So, that's why I disagree with Keemstar. Jake ignored all the criticism about the way he is in front of his young audience, and now that he has millions of children watching he wants to change. If he changed the way he was in 2017, or at the very latest, 2018, I would've given Jake and Keemstar a pass on this. But now we're in a scenario where Jake Paul is making overly explicit content for millions of young kids.

This leaves the question of; how can Jake Paul undo this? And I can't lie, I don't know. Jake Paul was a family-friendly Viner, Youtuber and Disney star. It's rare that someone has to make that kind of change. Someone like Miley Cyrus was able to change her public image because her original persona was a character under a different name. Jake Paul was never playing a character. His name was and is Jake Paul. So, I can't exactly say what Jake can do from here. But something has to change before he thinks it's okay to make porn for kids.

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