'Music to Be Murdered By' Tells the Truth Some Don't Want to Hear


If you are not aware, Eminem released an album on January 17, 2020. The album Music to Be Murdered By has gotten amazing reviews and after Eminem's last few albums, his fanbase is finally starting to think that the classic Eminem we loved is coming back. In fact, Music to Be Murdered By is Mathers' 10th No. 1 Album on the Billboard 200 Chart!

So, the album has been a massive success and all of Eminem's fans seem to be loving it. I, personally, loved the album a lot. Music to Be Murdered By has amazing lyrics, instrumentals and features. There are bad things to say about the album but nothing can be perfect.

Eminem is pretty well-known for having controversial lyrics and enjoying pushing the boundaries a little bit. And most people realize that a joke is a joke. Me, myself, have a somewhat dark sense of humour. But even if you don't have that type of humour, it's ridiculous to be offended by something that is slightly fucked up.

The 2nd track of Music to Be Murdered By; "Unaccommodating", has many controversial bars in it. In the song there are a few jokes regarding 9/11, which a lot of people are sensitive towards. Although 9/11 was an awful terrorist attack that ended the lives of thousands, the lyric that the media seems to care about more is the lyric that regards the Manchester bombing from 2017.

If you are unaware of this story, on May 22, 2017, there was an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK. And tragically, when people were leaving Manchester Arena, a radical islamist detonated a homemade bomb and 23 people lost their lives. It's a very, very sad story and I feel terrible for the families that were affected.

On "Unaccommodating", Eminem, in the 2nd verse of the song, says, "I'm contemplating yelling "Bombs away" on the game like I'm outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting," and that angered a lot of people. Many believed that it was insensitive of Marshall Mathers to make a minor joke about this tragedy and said that he shouldn't have used this real, serious situation in a song.

With all the controversy regarding the lyrics, Eminem made a public statement regarding the criticism. And in it he says, "in today's wonderful world murder has become so commonplace that we are a society obsessed and fascinated by it," he goes on to say, "this album was not made for the squeamish. If you are easily offended or unnerved at the screams of bloody murder, this may not be the collection for you."

Personally, I never had a problem with the lyrics in the first place. It's like when a rapper refers to women as "hoes" and says and acts very misogynistic. I see it as nothing more than lyrics. And I believe there is a difference between saying something and actually believing it. Yes, rappers say that they're just married to have sex with their wife, but I don't believe that actually has any real meaning to it. When Eminem makes a joke about the Manchester Arena bombing, it's him being creative, clever and wanting something to be extreme. And I just see that as art. Is it weird, creepy and fucked up art? Yes but it's still art and very brilliant art at that.

So, yeah, I had no problem with the lyrics of Unaccommodating but even if I did, Eminem's statement is a very, very good one because he addresses the goriness of the album in the best way. Admitting that Music to Be Murdered By is only for the non squeamish immediately changes everything. Eminem makes it clear that his latest album is meant to be graphic and crazy. Eminem says that this piece of art was not made for people that couldn't handle it's aggression. And that truthfully, makes it more amazing in ways. The concept of Music to Be Murdered By is to push boundaries. It's a very controversial album as a whole which makes this controversy nothing but advertising for Eminem!

After clearing up the weird controversy regarding Unaccommodating, you'd think that that'd be the end of the bullshit surrounding Music to Be Murdered By. But you'd be wrong because this world can't be okay with something dark and just shut the hell up about their own thoughts. (I realize now, that includes myself).

On January 24, CCN published an article about Mathers' album written by an "author" named W.E. Messamore. This article was about Eminem's statement regarding the controversy we just discussed. And I literally cannot get over how blind Messamore clearly is regarding this controversy. The article was titled "Eminem Defends 'Music to Be Murdered By' with a Blatant Lie" and it was clearly written to make the rapper and the album look much worse.

Massamore says that Eminem was completely lying when he said, "In today's wonderful world murder has become so commonplace that we are a society obsessed and fascinated by it," and then proceeds to show graphs of the numbers of deaths by cause (in 2017). And they basically stress the point that homicide isn't one of the larger causes of deaths and that (in Western European countries) homicide rates have gone down.

By the way, I think it's worth mentioning that if you go to the site the graph she used is on, you can see what the number of deaths by causes have been all the way from 1990 to present time. And if you check each year, you'll see that the amount of deaths caused by homicide, barely ever changes! So, although murder/homicide doesn't kill more people than many diseases, it's still a major problem that hasn't been changing worldwide at all.

Yes, in Western Europe and most of North America, homicide rates have dropped over the last few decades. But in many places in the world, it hasn't. In fact, in countries such as South Africa, Columbia and El Salvador, their homicide rates have been growing like crazy over the years.

Has it gotten better for most of us? Yes. But it still happens all around the world and roughly 300,000-400,000 people die from homicides every single year.

And I haven't even mentioned the growth of media. From 1990 to around 2004 or 2005, the only ways you could hear about homicides were on news stations or newspapers. And if you didn't read the paper a lot nor watch the news a lot, you probably wouldn't hear about most tragedies. But now that we have cellphones and social media with us at all times, we hear about all these problems and situations all the time!

So, W.E. Messamore from CCN, Eminem did not lie in his statement. Homicide has always been a big issue and it still is and now-a-days, it's much easier for more of us to hear about it. And Eminem said, "In today's wonderful world murder has become so commonplace that we are a society obsessed and fascinated by it," and that is simply the truth. Because of social media, we hear about death and crime all the time, and when you hear about big things like that so often, it becomes commonplace and you start to get fascinated by it.

CCN's article on this story was such a terrible and pathetic attempt at trying to make the king of hip-hop look bad. This controversy made the album more interesting and caused a lot of free advertising for the album, so joke's on them.

Music to Be Murdered by is a brilliant album! The technicality of each song is phenomenal! I take zero shame when I say that I believe Eminem is the greatest rapper ever.

This album also had a pretty unique message. The message being; "in today's wonderful world murder has become so commonplace that we are a society obsessed and fascinated by it."

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