Top 10 Juice WRLD Songs


Juice WRLD has been making music for years and has had tons of recognition since Lucid Dreams blew up in early 2018. Today I want to say what my 10 favorite Juice WRLD songs are. For this list I'm only going to discuss studio songs because if I were to include every release from Soundcloud and all the unreleased leaked songs that would take a very long time. So to be on the last the song has to be released officially on mainstream platforms.

10. Fast

The 5th track from Death Race For Love features a hard-hitting yet simple instrumental with spacy production and gentle drums. Juice WRLD's vocals on this song are very gentle and pleasing to the ear and manages to make this very simple song a really enjoyable one to sit back and listen to.

9. Up Up And Away

This song has a really calm and gentle instrumental that is very nice to hear. The production of this track is perfect with great mastering on the vocals and not too much auto tune. Juice WRLD takes a different approach with this song and sings higher pitch than normal on the chorus which blends in very well with the sweet beat behind him.

8. Come & Go

Juice WRLD and Marshmello take a very alternative rock type of approach to this track. The guitar and drums hit very hard and build up this very special energy. The production on Juice's vocals is also very clean and makes this track even more energetic. Every aspect of this song was crafted perfectly and it produced an absolute banger.

7. Syphilis

Although Juice WRLD is known for his melodic style and sad themes, every now-and-then he comes in with a really aggressive energy that nobody would expect. On Syphilis Juice WRLD screams his lyrics over a very bass heavy beat. The aggressive style that Juice has experimented with as well as the speedy flows he delivers is always high energy and makes some of his most memorable songs.

6. Robbery

Robbery from Death Race For Love features one of Juice's best vocal performances. He delivers really good energy and doesn't need a lot of production to make him sound great. The piano instrumental with really strong 808s is amazing and highlights the energy Juice delivers even more.

5. Won't Let Go

Everybody is aware that Juice WRLD makes a lot of songs about heartbreak and bad relationships but a lot over his career he has written plenty of lyrics about how much he loves his girlfriend and is happy to be improving his health. In Won't Let Go Juice WRLD sings very sweetly about love and takes a different approach to his usual sad themes.

4. Righteous

The first posthumous single from Juice WRLD has beautiful production and a great instrumental that gives off a really special vibe. Juice's performance is wonderful and is one of his best by a long shot. The lyrics of this song are very straight forward but really stand out in a terrifying yet pretty way. The overall feeling this track gives off is one that doesn't come up often.

3. Wishing Well

There's a reason Wishing Well has become the biggest song from Legends Never Die. The lyrics of this track are some of Juice's best and feel very intimate. The perfect production, amazing instrumental, great vocal performance and catchy chorus makes Wishing Well one of the best Juice WRLD songs to ever exist.

2. Man of the Year

The final track of Legends Never Die features a rock type instrumental and an amazing vocal performance from Juice. There's very little auto tune on his vocals and he sings with insanely high energy. The lyrics of this song are very playful but it makes for a really "feel-good" song which is exactly what fans of Juice WRLD needed at the end of his first posthumous album.

Honourable Mentions

Lucid Dreams, Maze, Out My Way, Feeling.

1. Empty

There is absolutely nothing bad about this track. The instrumental has a really good piano melody and great drums. The bass is really solid throughout the entire song. Juice WRLD delivers an amazing performance and sings some of his greatest lyrics. The energy of Empty is great and everything from the production to Juice's vocals to the lyricism is phenomenal and makes Empty the best Juice WRLD song to date.

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