Why I (Usually) Hate Movies


If I ever have a conversation with anyone about a movie this is usually how it goes:

Friend: Yo, did you see [blank]?

Me: Yeah I just saw it.

Friend: It was so fucking good, I loved it!

Me: Hated it.

Friend: ------

Me: ------

Friend: You're a retard.

Me: The people that made [blank] are retards.

So, yes, I often hate movies. When it comes to music, I have a very diverse taste and I am very open-minded. I don't love a lot of TV shows but I'm usually okay with them. But I just tend to despise movies all the damn time. I have very high standards for movies and to be honest, I don't know why.

I think that it's because a lot of money and people go into these projects so, I expect to see very impressive work be done. Or maybe it's just because I am a very creative person and I tend to put a lot into my work and I would like to see more people do so. A reason I could hate a reboot, Disney movie, sequel or Marvel movie is because of a change or inaccuracy. Example; The Lion King remake that came out this year.

I actually really love the original The Lion King. It has very likeable characters, it's creative, the musical numbers are beautiful. I genuinely love that movie. But in the remake, the characters lose a lot of personality, scenes are less interesting and the music is much, much worse. I actually thought the new one would be alright because I thought the remake of The Jungle Book was pretty good. But it did not deliver, in my opinion.

To me, this is what makes a good movie;

-creative and developing characters with genuine feelings and personality

-multiple settings that make sense and are well-portrayed

-a plot that is interesting, developing, original and enjoyable

-each plot-point needs to have a motive

-and to go from good to amazing, I would like to see a very strong message that isn't expressed enough in media

I am fully aware that an "interesting plot" is based on opinion. But for me, I look at these types of things in a very technical way. When a plot doesn't change for a while and isn't really developing, I really struggle to get any enjoyment out of it after some time. That's primarily why I don't usually like action movies. My best example would be; Avengers: Infinity War. Infinity War is very well-made but the story is dragged on for hours without rapid development. The film is made up of primarily fight scenes and nothing really changes frequently. This obviously doesn't mean that all Marvel movies are plain nor does it mean that I dislike all action movies. I just can't find myself satisfied with nice visuals. I need more density in the story.

Honestly, I wish I liked more movies. And I really don't care if someone enjoys a movie that I don't. I'm glad they can be happy and have fun watching something that connects to them. And it genuinely sucks to watch something and in the end just think "yeah that was shitty,"

But I guess it's just how my brain works. I can't change my opinion on these movies. If you'd like me to review a certain movie just message me on Twitter @TheDark1saac or on Instagram @dark1saac.

I do plan on reviewing more media (including movies) pretty soon.

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