It bothers the hell out of me when certain pieces of media are blamed for events that take place with no good reason. Whether someone hurts themselves or someone else, many times pieces of media are attacked for the stupidest reasons. There have been multiple times where multiple people lose their lives and then it's blamed on music or...

There is an "art vs. the artist" argument happening every damn day, especially in the media, specifically in articles. There are a million examples of an amazing movie, show, song or business created by someone that has done terrible things. There are people believed all around the world that have committed crimes and either been ruined for it or...

If you are not aware, Eminem released an album on January 17, 2020. The album Music to Be Murdered By has gotten amazing reviews and after Eminem's last few albums, his fanbase is finally starting to think that the classic Eminem we loved is coming back. In fact, Music to Be Murdered By is Mathers' 10th No. 1 Album on the Billboard 200 Chart! ...

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